A review by seeingnight
Fractured Soul by Rachel McClellan


GENRE: YA Fantasy
THEME: Romance, Urban Fantasy
BLOG: http://seeingnight.blogspot.com/


As much as I loved the first book Fractured Light, I feel I was able to connect more to Llona in Fractured Soul. There was so much more happening with the plot that was wonderfully crafted by McClellan.

Fractured Soul once again follows Llona, a girl who is half guardian and half aura like her parents, who were tragically taken from her. She is now trying to adjust to a semi normal life at the Lucent Academy, but darkness is not far from her as the Vykens (vampire like) are growing and Llona will stop at nothing to protect her friends and school.

Llona is still strong as ever; she of course is nothing like the rest of the Aura’s at the academy. The Aura’s have been trained to never fight and live a peaceful life. But with the dangers of the Vyken’s, she tries so hard to convince her aunt Sophie about her concerns. But in the end her aunt only wants her to be like the rest of the girls, Llona will never be like them, as she seeks out the Vykens and wants to fight. After she killed the Vyken in the first book you can see a difference in her as she is seeking for a battle, you may question why she seems to have this hunger to fight.

This time the mystery is intensified as to why the numbers are growing among the Vykens and what is really happening at the Aura’s blood bank. I always love a little mystery and I felt it added a lot of suspense around all the battle scenes. In the end Llona always has help with her old friends May and love interest Christian, along with two new friends Liam and Tessa. Christian and Llona relationship may be forbidden especially in the eyes of her aunt, but they know that they mean too much to each other to deny it.

In the end I really enjoyed the action packed aspect, it was filled with romance and tension that will keep the readers wanting more and always questioning will good be able to stop evil. There is so much growth for Llona, I feel her character will always be the rebel to everyone who doesn’t understand what she has gone through. This was definitely a major step up from the first book with new creatures introduced, challenges for Llona besides the Vykens, and more protectors that I can’t wait to read more about. After the ending, which was a bit of a sucker punch but really made me wish the next book were out!

This is a young adult book that you’ll never want to put down. Fans of Jennifer Esteps Mythos Academy series and Jennifer Armentrouts Covenant series will want to get their hands on Rachel McClellans Fractured Light.