A review by mehsi
Catstronauts: Digital Disaster by Drew Brockington


This was totally fun! A hotel in space. An AI gone crazy. Cats. Food. And more!

And here we are! #6 in the Catstronauts series. So happy I could read this one (and #2) in December! I would have loved to read these in order, but one of my libraries decided to just add 1, 2, and 6. No clue why. XD I am glad to see that you don’t need to read them in order. Just know who the Catstronauts are.

In this one the Catstronauts are off to space and test out a hotel. Sounds fun right? Well, they also got the added responsibility of watching out over some kittens + of course testing needs to be done and while testing a bed is one thing, one needs to test more than that. The Catstronauts are a bit wary, but when they get to the hotel they are pretty excited. I loved seeing all the cats do their thing, and while most have fun, one of them is just doing the testing. OK, later he thankfully takes a bit of a break, of some kind, but I would have liked him to be a bit more having fun. I get he is the oldest of the group and the boss, but come on, live a bit!

I loved the hotel and I would have loved to visit it.. well OK, when all the kinks and all the bugs have been gotten straightened. I am all up for an adventure, but one with survival is just not my cup of tea. Haha. I loved reading about the hotel and all the fun things one could do. I would definitely love to just nap or float in a chamber without gravity. And there is also yummy foods and that the hotel knows what you like (which is yes a bit creepy but also cool).

While I absolutely am not a fan of AI as in those that steal art or steal other things, I do love a good AI gone rogue in space story. And that is what we get in this story. A very happy looking AI is just not having the best time all alone in the space hotel and decides to plot and plan (and yes, at times I felt for the AI). I loved it and loved seeing the cats try their best to get things in order again while the AI keeps causing havoc or just pulling pranks on them.

I also liked that next to our established cast of Catstronauts we also get to meet Kittens. A group of kittens who are all getting ready to one day become Catstronauts. They have skills. They have knowledge. And they bring in some freshness. They were fun characters and I hope we see more of them in later books~

And the book got quite exciting as the story proceeded and things went south. I was on the edge of my seat reading this one. Would the cats be able to get out of the space hotel and warn the people on earth?

All in all, I need more of this one! I would recommend this series to all looking for a fun space adventure with cats!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/