A review by heartscontent
The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen


You can find my complete review for The Merciful Crow here: https://tohscontent.wordpress.com/2019/08/05/the-merciful-crow-the-merciful-crow-1-by-margaret-owen-arc-review/

*Received an ARC from publisher via Edelweiss+ in exchange for an honest review. Thank you*
Do you know you have this one book in the year that you don’t really expect to like so much, but as you’re reading it, suddenly you find you do? The Merciful Crow was possibly my top surprised-I-liked-it-so-much book of the year. It’s perhaps because The Merciful Crow wants for nothing. Everything you could wish for, intrigue, mystery, caste-system, social themes, royalty, family, romance, betrayal, magic..you name it, it has it.

The Merciful Crow is a story that occurs in the world that is divide into castes. Each caste possesses their own birthright, a power they can wield at will; each caste that is, except the Crows. All the Crows wield is serving mercy to those who are dying. They are the downtrodden, mistreated despite being the most important caste (in my honest opinion) for the survival of the people.

The Merciful Crow starts with a bang. The very first scene is like watching the coolest scene in a movie. My eyes were wide because Margaret Owen writes for the reader’s mind. She paints the most beautiful picture with her words and I ‘watched’ her whole book rather than read it.

The character development of the protagonists are so perfectly aligned to the situations they face in their journey and their cause, that is greater than just themselves. Disgust turns to grudging acceptance and then to understanding and friendship. Perhaps even love?

But in the midst of all the odds against their survival Fie, Tavin and Jas are fighting to keep their promises and stay alive. With secrets and danger around every corner, can Fie, Jas and Tavin save not just themselves but achieve something greater?

Margaret, you have my heart. My soul is singing. ❤ ❤

I highly recommend. No matter what genre is your preference, The Merciful Crow is your cup of tea! Happy Reading!