A review by sjj169
One of Us by Tawni O'Dell


Danny Doyle- he grew up in a town where mining was king. Everyone was either working there or expected too. Years ago his great grandfather was hung with the Nellies for uprising against the mine owner. Danny grew up hard, with an abusive father and a mentally ill mother. He comes back to town as a "boy done good." He is a forensic psychologist that studies serial killers-I would have liked even more on his job. (That part was so interesting)
He is a tad bit proud of that fact that he has risen above his past.

He comes home because his grandfather Tommy has been sick and wants to check in with him.
Tommy: Frigging Awesomeness! I wanted more of him in this book!

I know it's useless for me to ask him to drive, so I sit back and brace myself in the passenger side of his truck as he careens down the steep, twisting roads, not seeming to care if another vehicle whips toward us from the opposite direction. Most people become cautious as they grow older, but age has made Tommy even more reckless. Instead of viewing the remainder of his life as something he should protect and savor, he sees it as something left over that he needs to gulp down before someone else gets their hands on it.

Arriving at the famous gallows where the Nellie's were hung Danny discovers a body.
The town people can't decide if it's a killer on the loose or ghosts haunting their town.

They even have the famous paranormal show Ghost sniffers come to town. (Scooby Doo crew gone cray-cray)The Rat Terrier that is the Scooby version is worth one star for this book alone.

The writing in this book is above par and kept me interested throughout the whole book.
There was one thing that bugged me and it cost this book a star. In almost every chapter of this book the author makes sure that some high end clothing brands get mentioned. That distracted from the whole story. Way overdone. I wanted to shove that mink coat that kept getting mentioned up the characters ass.

Psst. The evil character in this book. One of my all time favorites. I want more!

I did receive an arc copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review