A review by 5elementknitr
The Ha-Ha by Dave King


I don't know why I never wrote a review for this, as it is a favorite of mine.
So much so, that when I saw this book on the clearance table at Borders ($5 each), I bought several copies to give to friends.

This may be the first book I've ever read without reading the synopsis first. I read this strictly on the recommendation of an online friend (my husband calls my online friends "imaginary friends"). I'll tell you the same thing she wrote...

"If I try to describe this book to you, it's going to sound depressing as fuck. If you read the synopsis, you may have that same thought. It's not depressing; it's wonderful."

My imaginary friend was dead on right. The characters in this book start out as virtual strangers who happen to live in the same house, but through the circumstances in the book, they come together as a strong family. The kind of non-related family they all need.

I'd send you a copy of this book, but I've given all but mine away, and I'm keepin' that one.