A review by pjonsson
Hellhound on My Trail by D.J. Butler


I cannot say that I was overly surprised finding this book to be, well, not really to my liking. This was one of the books I bought and red in a moment of “What the hell, let’s try it“.

The title is perhaps okay and the blurb not too bad either but I did get some bad feelings about the weird name, Rock Band Fights Evil, of the series.

Well, one of the statements in the book blurb, “…then things start to get strange.“, was spot on at least. This book gets strange quite quickly. Unfortunately it gets messy as well.

The main protagonist is more or less a case for a small room with padded walls right off from the start and those who are about to become his new friends are crazy, crazier and bloody crazy.

Right from the start the main protagonist stumbles into a big fight between a Hellhound and this rock band who’s members are much more than they seem to be. The fight is messy and crazy to say the least and from there on it never really stops.

Everyone is talking crazy and fighting at the same time and there is never really any pause where the author gives the reader some world building or character introduction or anything. There are some but it’s all intermingled with this big fight/chase/being/chased scene that takes up more or less the entire book. In my opinion it is poorly written altogether.

I also cannot say that I really liked any of the characters. I have never really met any members of a rock band but the characters in this book pretty much behaves like I would have thought a rather stoned rock band would behave.

The book is quite short at 126 pages and, for me, this was a good think because, as you can assume from this review, I didn’t really like this book at all.