A review by sarah1984
A Wicked Gentleman by Jane Feather


21/11 - Really sweet, mostly innocent romance. The romance itself is not particularly steamy, the heroine is a countrified widow with 2 young children who comes to London to chaperone a similarily aged friend while she views a newly inherited house. The hero works for the war office, mostly dealing with spies and codes; he's strong and muscular and supposedly good in a fight, but we've yet to see him have to exert any real energy in that way. Everything is pretty tame, the bad guys (the French and Russian spies who are on the opposite side to Harry) aren't very bad, Harry and Cornelia (the hero and heroine) aren't very sexy (except supposedly, to each other), but despite that I am enjoying this light-hearted story. There's nothing to offend or upset anyone's sensibilities, normal sex (what's normal, well, if you're a romance fan, you'll know what I mean) and no real violence.