A review by timinbc
The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains: A Tale of Travel and Darkness with Pictures of All Kinds by Neil Gaiman


I don't know how Neil Gaiman can tell creepy stories in such beautiful prose. The whole thing gives me that feeling you get after a couple of strong beers, where everything has smooth, gleaming edges and it's all good.

Which is exactly what's not happening in the book. It's as nasty as the Brothers Grimm, but a lot more subtle.

But folks, before running off into sexual politics and all that, let's recall that this is based on old Scots tales, from a time when a man who wanted a haircut would hammer the hairs in and bite them off inside.

The art work has that air about it too - dark and spare and apparently lettered with a dirk. Worked for me, might not work for you.

Back to the wife-abuse scene that others have mentioned. I think it's there as part of the development/reveal of the two main characters. They are not Galahad and Roland, not even close. They are not nice people, and can't be expected to do what a 21st-century good person would do. I'm going to read this story two or three more times and reconsider that scene, because Neil doesn't put ANYthing in by accident.

In the end, each plot reveal gives a new shiver, and not a few "Ewww"s, and it all falls into place neatly by the end. And along the way, we surf in Gaiman's gorgeous writing.

Oh, and parents? If you've read your kids "Blueberry Girl" and "Fortunately the Milk," do NOT make the mistake of reading them this one. If you've made it to "Coraline" and "The Graveyard Book" you're halfway there. But unlike those, this is not at all a book for children. Except the ones who are truly Readers and have reality sorted out from fiction.