A review by kittykult
Doctor Who: System Wipe, by Oli Smith


System Wipe follows the Eleventh Doctor, Amy, and Rory, who have landed at the end of Earth - again. This time, the Earth is a desolate wasteland, but someone has left their virtual reality headset plugged in. The Doctor decides to try out the game and discovers that the abandoned video game characters have made a life of their own in the absence of humans. However, there is a virus that is threatening to delete all the character and world data - at the same time as Amy and Rory discover an army of robots are planning a demolition of Earth's buildings to make a clean slate for humanity to rebuild if it ever returns back to Earth.

There were some funny moments, but this book was not as fun as the others in this series that I have read (Death Riders, Heart of Stone, etc). This book is appropriate for younger fans of Doctor Who as well, especially those who are really into video games. It is light-hearted, fast-paced, and wraps up neatly with a happy ending. Again, I would say that it is more along the lines of upper elementary level reading than middle grade as it claims to be, but a Doctor Who fan of any age can likely get some enjoyment out of any adventure the Doctor goes on.

Note: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated in any other fashion for the review and the opinions reflected below are entirely my own. Special thanks to the publisher and author for providing the copy.