A review by books_highlighters_me
The Goodbye Kids by Debbie Iancu-Haddad


Absolutely adorable! I always love a well-written YA and making it sci-fi is just like the cherry on the top.
Towards the beginning, the pace is a little slow, but once Haley gets introduced, there's no going back. That's the promising dual POV that this book offers! You just have to keep on going, it's irresistible! The way the main leads' dynamic changes is so sweet and precious. I loved the way the plot was carried out. It was unique and I loved it through and through.
The book, towards the end, also gives an insight into the sequel. Honestly, that scared me, I didn't want to read it. I wanted to leave the story where it ended... but in the end, I read it and I think I won't be disappointed by the next book either, although I'm a bit disappointed in Jorden. Well, why? That's for you to read and find out!