A review by donnareadathon2021
Wherever the Wind Takes Us by Kelly Harms


The story
Becca is 42, and recently divorced. She was a stay at home mom and wife for the last 22 years but is walking away from her marriage with almost nothing, except the kind judge decided she was entitled to her wealthy ex husband’s yacht. Becca aims to sell the yacht but the buyers she finds wants it delivered to Miami. This involves an seemingly epic voyage of self discovery for both Becca and her daughter Olivia. When Olivia bales out after a week and a bit, she calls her sailing teacher, Irishman Grant to take her place.

My thoughts
This story had very strong vibes of Trish Doller’s Float Plan, but replacing death with divorce as a place to grieve and make a second act, complete with a charming Irish sailor. Having said that, the sailing seems to be more of a metaphor for taking control of your life in this story, and I really enjoyed how the author did not shy away from the scary and technical aspects here. It underlined how serious an endeavour this was, and how hopelessly unprepared both Becca and Olivia were for this trip. The craziness of Becca’s ex-husband’s antics interspersed with his supposed generosity (suspect trying to keep control) provide a dollop of spice and interest. I have really enjoyed Kelly Harms’ other books and this one was great too!

Read an eARC copy courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher
My rating 4/5 - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️