A review by andydavidsmith76
An Atlas of Tolkien by David Day


This was an impulse buy at Costco, of all places.

I think this would've been a good companion piece during my first read thru The Silmarillion or the LOTR, as David Day's book does offer some concise summaries of those texts. However, if you're a die hard Tolkien fan, it's doubtful you'll find much new here. It's mostly descriptions of some of the most well known scenes from Tolkien, boiled down to 2-3 paragraphs and accompanied with some representational artwork.

Speaking of the artwork (which is heralded as one of the book chief features) I found it to be crude and simplistic in most cases. You'd probably find better material with a quick Google search.

Nice enough for what it is, but what it is isn't very deep. Great cover, though.