A review by rouver
Talking to Dragons, by Patricia C. Wrede


Well this was a disappointing ending to what started out as a fun YA series. The writing in the last book was starting to go downhill & definitely got worse in this one. We know it's all going to turn out for the best (this is a story for children in the USA, after all), but the adventures on the way there just weren't all that engaging. SHOW me, don't TELL me. It seemed like the writing style became simpler, with the main character having to recap all their adventures for each new (to him) person...nearly all had been main/secondary characters in the other books. There was no discovery for the READER, who knew all the information from having read the other books. Sure, Daystar doesn't know who he is, what he needs to do, or the significance of the sword he is carrying...but WE do. And when revelations do occur, they aren't explained; he automatically realizes the man before him is his father, even though his mother had never spoken of him, ever. The characters all seem terribly one dimensional as well.

Perhaps this was a book the author didn't want to write & she just phoned it in. Just have your kids read books 1 & 2 so they won't have to slog through 3 & 4.

Edit: I've now found out that this book was written first, the other three created as prequels. It helps explain why the author seems to be a less experienced writer even though it's the 'last' book in the series.