A review by maraya21
Beyond the Veil by Pippa DaCosta


#2. Devil May Care ★★★★★
#3. Darkest Before Dawn ★★★

4.5 Stars

OfWonderland Book Club choice read for February 2017 (#OWBookClub) {Two of Three}

1st: First Year (The Black Mage #1) - Rachel E. Carter | 3rd: Queen Alpha (NYC Mecca #2) – Jaymin Eve & Leia Stone

Fire, Ice & Lies = Chaos & Delight

Well damn, that was an unexpectedly great read!

We have Muse, a half-demon half-human hybrid, trying to live a normal life away from demons and the netherworld a.k.a Hell and succeeding until another hybrid walks into her workshop and proceeds to bring every aspect of her life upside down and inside out.

As a character Muse is awesome and I don’t say that often. Strong, insane and scarred she is trying to figure out herself and her life. She went through a hell of a lot during her life like emotional and physical abuse and rape, but she came out on top. She tried to put it behind her and move on and the resulting personality is one of strength and the will to evolve and grow despite the chaos and hell ragging on around her. For reasons of my own I can relate to her and I love the fact that she is scarred. I also love that this abuse was not “prettified” or “pitied” and didn’t go into overdrive like too much detailing. It was kept believable and palpable enough and never felt overbearing. She is easily one of my favs and it’s only the first book! Can’t imagine how much I’ll love her in the future, given she actually grows and evolves throughout which I believe she will.

Stefan was a decent love interest. I liked that he was as strong and scarred as Muse and loved the fact he had an opposing element to her fire powers. He is a big mystery though and I do have conflicting feelings – like Muse herself. I hope we will get to see more of him.

Akil. I expected more from him. Like wayyy more. He was the antagonist and he did basically nothing. He is portrayed to be an all powerful being, god like creature that could flex his pinky and turn them into a pile of dust within seconds. Instead he did nothing of the sort or anything villainous really. That dented the whole story to be honest. His defeat was anticlimactic to say the least. Again I expected a lot more.

I loved Muse and I liked Stefan and the story in general, though the story itself felt a bit chaotic and off somehow – which might have been intentional now that I think about it.

At this point I want to thank my GR friend Sarah. She was the one that raved about this book/series thus bringing this gem to my very short-spanned attention. ❤ (^_^) ❤

For a start to a journey it is more than ok though and I will happily continue on with it! \(^_^)/