A review by nicolet2018
Siren's Secret by Debbie Herbert


I was so eager to read this Harlequin novel because mermaids are not a very common occurence in paranormal romance, YA or adult. That said the bayou has always fascinated me so this combination made me excited.

The Harlequin branch Nocturne focuses on paranornal romance and from experience these type of books are similar compared to the urban parnormal genre. In that coarse language is used and sex scenes are explicit. These are usually focused upon much more.

I did enjoy this but personally, I felt that the romance was not a true love thing. Shelly and Tillman jumped into a physical relationship immediately and for what the author claims of writing stories where true love is magical. I did not get this here.

I did like the mystery, it was engaging. The various characters jumped out at me and I could not help but be gleeful reading about the world building for the mermaids. For a Harlequin novel the plot was well written. I guess the romance disappointed me but at least the author did not go crazy with the sex. I liked Shelly as a character, she was kind, understanding and always felt different from her cousins. Which is something everyone can identify with.

The way the story ended was not bad as well. It kind of leaves room for more but it does feel closed.