A review by pariswynn__
Curiosity House: The Screaming Statue by Lauren Oliver, H. C. Chester


This is the second book in the Curiosity House series. I would advise you read the first one before reading this review.

After falling in love with the first book, I was eager to read this one, and I was not disappointed.
This book follows, Max, Philippa, Thomas and Sam, 4 extraordinary children living and working for Mr Dumfrey's Dime museum of freaks, oddities and wonders. These four children have extraordinary gifts, such as super strength and being able to read minds, well pockets, which we learn in the first book, are due to the results of experiments carried out on them by the notorious evil criminal Rattigan.

This book follows the children as they try to work out who is responsible for the murder of one of their oldest friends: Freckles. With everything on the line, the children need to stick together to succeed, but with disaster around every corner, will they managed to find the killer in time, or will the museum be forced to shut before the case is resolved?