A review by dragontomes2000
The Fates Divide, by Veronica Roth


This was a much step up from Carve the Mark. However it still has some kinks I don't think it worked out. My one big thing was out of the two added POVs, I don't think Eijeh was needed. I liked that we explored the current more which was one of my big gripes from book one. I still enjoyed this world immensely. I am really enjoying more and more Sci-Fi. The history, mythology, and religion in this book were very interesting. I think the religion was the part that really drove this series with the help of everyone scared of their fates. I am not one who is very religious (like at all). I do believe we get to choose our own fates and it was really great seeing the characters develop and start to realize that your life doesn't have revolve around pre-determined fates. Another small thing was the main villain didn't really pack a punch. I enjoyed the main villain in book one way more then this villain. All in all Veronica Roth managed to redeem herself for me, so I can't wait to see what she has in store next.