A review by maplessence
A Song for the Stars by Ilima Todd


A DNF at page 156.

Given that this is quite a short book, this is quite a late DNF decision for me.

I persevered as long as I did because this book was part of a reading challenge in the BLK group & because the book featured Captain Cook, a historical figure I find interesting. (He is credited as the first European to discover New Zealand) & because the author is Hawaiian and the story is based on some of her own ancestors.

Unfortunately Captain Cook's appearance was very brief, the choice to write in first person, present tense (with dual POV!) gave the narrative a very wooden feel. The characters never came alive for me & I didn't care what their outcome was going to be.

The only things I liked were the lovely cover and I was interested how close some common Hawaiian words were to some Maori ones.

Unfortunately these are not sufficient reasons to carry on with this book.