A review by bolynne
Girl in Snow by Danya Kukafka


****I received a copy of this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!****

Augh, this book has me so torn. There was a lot of potential here, but I think it could stand going back to editing a bit longer.

The plot and Lucinda was almost completely non-existent, most of the time and I really didn't particularly like any of the characters that we were privy to following their thoughts, except Cameron. I wanted to get more of him. Also I didn't like any of Russ's POV. Didn't get it. It felt like there were two narratives going on: Lucinda's murder and Russ's relationship with his ex partner.

My favorite thing about this book was the way the plot wrapped up after we find out it wasn't any of the three POVs that killed Lucinda. I really enjoyed where Jade said/thought/whatever "We are not the killers. We are silly kids. Casualties." Which of course also leads me to think Russ's POV was even more unnecessary. He isn't a kid.

And finally, just a few minorish things. Half the time I couldn't tell what was dialogue or not because sometimes there was quotes, sometimes, not. Sometimes italics, too. It was very difficult and annoying honestly. Also why was Jade the only one who spoke in first person in her sections? Was that on purpose? The screenplay thing was interesting, but a little cheesy.

Sorry if this was harsh. It was easy to get into and has very good bones. If some parts are changed/cut, it would be a great novel.