A review by jotheblackbookworm
Restore Me by J.L. Seegars

Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
"Wanting you is the only thing that's gotten me through living without you."

Four years on from the death of her beloved husband Eric, Sloane is doing her best to keep on living, but the life she's leading is one that excludes romance. Why? Because all of that died when Eric died. Despite having a close relationship with Eric's mum & twin sister, Sloane doesn't have a relationship with Eric's best friend, Dominic. For as long as Sloane can remember, Dominic has hated her. Well, so she thinks... Unbeknownst to her, Dominic has "loved" her since the very first time her met her. Will Dominic's secret be revealed during the course of their new budding friendship?

I for one don't know as I DNF'd this book at 268 pages. I originally wanted to DNF @ page 3 but I felt I owed it to my Book Club Sisters to try a lil harder than that. But then I realised that I wasn't put on this earth to suffer through a Pandemic, various lockdowns, recessions, cost of living crises, to still end up torturing myself with a book that is not serving me any purpose.

If there were any positives that I did take away from this book, it was the exploration of grief. I will be honest and say that I did like the stance that the author took on grief through Sloanes character. The way in which Sloanes's mother attempted to minimise & trivialise her grief was bottom of the barrell, but it did make me think that sometimes even with the best of intentions we sometimes put time restrictions on grief. Whilst life does indeed go on, so does our grief.

Asides from the above, I do not think that this book should be labelled as "Black Love", the behaviours displayed by Dominic became increasingly concerning to me whilst reading. He didn't appear to be in love, he came across as possessive & obsessive. He categorically gave me the ick & ruined what could have been a good book.

I found the plot flimsy. A lot of words being used, with no overall importance.

⚠️ If you do proceed to read this book, please err on the side of caution as this book makes reference to: Death, Grief, Cancer & Miscarriage.


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