A review by bouldermimi
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell


Read 4/17/2022 - Audio

What a delightful story. Cather and Wren are identical girls going off to college, but Wren has decided they should navigate this new chapter of their lives independently. Cath, the more insecure of the twins, grapples with fitting in and overcoming her fear of change. Sharing a room with a testy roommate, Cath has learned to become invisible. Yet Levi, one of the roommate's many boyfriends, sees her clearly and often times seeks out her company. The relationship they build is a little confusing in the beginning, but quickly becomes very sweet. My favorite aspect was Cath's authorship of a fan fiction called Carry On, which resembles Harry Potter where Harry and Draco Malfoy are in a relationship! Ah, the good ol' days of writing FF! I sure do miss it!