A review by kevin_coombs
The Night Ranger by Alex Berenson


I think the best way I can describe Alex Berenson, as well as his last three books, is this: I enjoy how he writes - his style, how he moves the story forward, even his prose to a certain extent. However, each of the last three has strained credulity just a little more than the book before it. For me, there is a difference between writers like Ian Fleming (who made very little effort to seem plausible, and instead served the goal of being purely entertaining), and writers like Berenson and Flynn (who seem equally concerned with plausibility, getting their technical and geopolitical facts right). My expectations align with those the authors seem to be trying to cultivate. In the case of Berenson, while I obviously can't attest to some of the technical details (his descriptions of drones, their use, and control seem credible enough), I can certainoly feel a healthy skepticism regarding the geopolicical aspect: Would the sequence of events unfold in this way, and would the high-ranking officials respond the way they do? I did enjoy the book, but only as an easy read at the end of the day. It's not great literature; is not even great within the context of the genre.