A review by gengray47
The Dust Never Settles by Karina Lickorish Quinn


3.5⭐️? I think? I have no idea where to even start with this book ... but what a debut!

How deliciously strange and odd. Magical realism, in an extreme sense. Think the casita from Encanto but like.. evil.. but also good..?

Not the most likeable main character. Like, at all. There was something a little missing, but I can look past it. An incredible first book from the author and I can't wait to see what else she comes up with. This book was insane honestly.

"This was when Santa Julia understood that in Lima time is like a fog that permeates everything. Any moment, past or yet to come, can descend as a mist and mingle with the air of the present so that all is humid with the vapours of time. It clings to the hair, penetrates the bones, moistens the clothes of the citizens, leaving everything always a little damp. The limeños breathe it daily, creeping down from the mountains or rolling in from the sea – lost time. The city is steeped in it, moistened by it, dragged down into it and, simultaneously, borne forth upon its crest."