A review by carriedbythecosmos
Trinity Sight by Jennifer Givhan


This book was an enthralling read. The first few chapters set up mysteriously. There was no grounding, which worked for the book because it placed us in the same situation as the protagonist. We were thrown into chaos from the first page and wanted nothing more than to figure out what was happening and how to stop it.

Once I had a footing in the setting, I couldn't put it down. The plot was intense; the turns and surprises twisted my expectations for dystopian novels. The language was sensational and, at times, definitely read like poet-turned-novelist (more poets should write novels).

I appreciated the way the worldbuilding happened in this book: subtlely and over time. I take issues with books that gave genre elements when the genre elements have an extensive backstory that begins early on, or we cannot grasp one part of the world before we move into another aspect. This book avoids all of that and masterfully pulls you more and more into a reality that is unlike any you might have expected.

Also, I love seeing moms as protagonists. And I especially loved seeing a mom pregnant with twins as a protagonist. We don't see this often and it feels good to read about other moms in a dystopian world. Like, moms would kick ass in dystopians. Why aren't there more as protagonists in dystopians?