A review by carteremma
Hereafter by Tara Hudson


This is the story of Amelia after her death. When we meet Amelia all she really know is that she is dead. Slowly Amelia begins to remember things like her name and where she is. I like going into a book where the character has about as much knowledge as we do and as they find things out we slowly begin to learn about the character. Amelia is minding her own business one day when a car flies off the bridge, where Amelia knows she died. The driver of the car, Joshua, is drowning and Amelia manages to save him. From this moment on the only person in the living world who can see Amelia is Joshua and they begin to form a bond.

I loved this book. It took a couple of chapters for me to be really invested, but once I was I could not put it down. I liked how the story started off really slowly. It begins with only one character with little memory and very little going on and then another character is introduced and they interact for a while. This builds up to a handful of characters and some good otherworldly action and adventure. I really liked the character of Amelia and thought it was sweet that she suddenly worried about how she looked when she met Joshua. Hello your dead, you have probably looked better!

Joshua was a great character and I liked how he interacted with Amelia. However I would like to have known more about his family and his destiny but this will probably be covered in the next book. I thought this was a really charming and sweet story tinged with an underlying sadness that at times made me want to weep for them. The tragedy of love after death!!