A review by hbrom13
The Boyfriend by D.E. McCluskey


went into this blind! I knew people had raved about the book, and also knew of the triggers.

This book made my stomach turn, but probably because I have a daughter of my own. I can’t imagine the things mentioned in this book happening to anyone. It’s sick. Violent at times. I really felt for the main girl, Lisa. I loved/hated Sean. It’s very easy to feel certain ways towards the characters. I found myself supporting a certain character by the end, practically cheering on. It’s hard to grasp the actions in this book actually take place in the world. There was a twist that I personally didn’t see coming that made my jaw drop and had me cussing at a person in the book for their role. The only thing that really bothered me was the repeated use of a word during the attack/assault. But I realize why it was done that way.

All in all, very good book! Definitely one I recommend if you don’t have SA triggers.