A review by shelleyann01
Nobody's Wife by Laura Pearson


I liked Missing Pieces by Laura Pearson. She has a good, flowing writing style. This book kept my attention, but unfortunately the story does get a bit boring and Josephine and Michael were such a doormats, for the majority of the book, I wanted to kick them. Why was Josephine so wishy-washy, even when she realized that her sister was not really her friend? I think I had higher exceptions for this book and it kind of felt like a letdown to me, especially the ending. There really wasn't a lot of fury or intensity to the novel. It was definitely focused more on being a domestic drama.

And while this book can boast a few surprises, it is mostly predictable. The behavior of the characters is not convincing...no one could be that gullible. So why did I give this novel three stars? First of all, the story was interesting enough. I kept on reading even though I was disgusted with two of the characters. Second, I wanted to see how everything would come together. While the ending was a disappointment and I felt it was hurried and contrived. All in all not a terrible book but definitely lacking in depth, so I decided three stars was fair.

Thank you NetGalley, Agora Books and Laura Pearson for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.

#NobodysWife #NetGalley

All my reviews can be found on my blog: https://shelleyann01.blogspot.com/