A review by philyra91
Sirensong by Jenna Black


While I still maintain that Glimmerglass was probably the only great book in this series, Sirensong wasn't all that bad. I did have difficulty in reading the first half, mostly because I was reading it from an ebook, but also due to the fact that the first half was mostly boring.

I only really started paying attention to the book when Dana was separated from the band of travelers and later meets Princess Elaine, Titania's granddaughter, who is then assassinated with a bomb and Dana becomes the prime suspect - since only a bomb can go off in a Faeriewalker's presence. Overall, the second half progressed much more quickly than the first half and I definitely did like the action bits.

I didn't care too much about the romance in the novel and the Erlking still freaked me out, but I must say, he's still a more interesting character than say, Ethan. Arawn is so proud and manipulative and cruel even but he can be kind at times and you just can't make up your mind if you want to like him or hate him. Oh, and I still can't stand Dana's mother though. Her portrayal of an un-remorseful alcoholic is realistic but sometimes, I just want to strangle her.

Several twists and turns were unexpected but strangely felt like deus ex machina because everything worked out in the end, which felt "too pretty" for me.

I'm not sure if the series has now ended but I don't think I'll be reading the sequels should there be more. I think I have my fill of Dana and her sort-of-sexual exploits.