A review by a_h_haga
The Ouroboros Cycle, Book One: A Monster's Coming of Age Story by G.D. Falksen


I can't believe how long it took me to read this book. A WEEK! FOR 300 PAGES?!
That isn't because the book is essentially bad - I was kind of unsure what rating to go for as well.
My problem was that the book didn't give me what it promised.

It started out with this historical fiction - yes - but paranormal-feel scene, but we hardly saw any of that from there. It started in one genre, then turned into something else. pure historical fiction - as good as, anyway.
And it read like a classic as well. Spanning over years following this one characters in her life and choices. There was love and intrigue, but mostly it was boring for me.

I didn't connect with any of the characters, as it spanned such a long time-period.
The writing wasn't bad, if you like the classics, and the same goes for the language.

Another disappointment for me, was the fact that I was introduced to this years ago as a steampunk read.
It was not.