A review by ej_babb
Ellerbisms: A Sporadic Diary Comic by Marc Ellerby


As I mentioned previously in my review of The Dalek Project I am no connoisseur of comic books, graphic novels or anything that could be remotely associated with art. However, like any amateur wannabe critic, I do know what I likeā€¦and I definitely like Ellerbisms.

Ellerbisms is a collection of short autobiographical comic strips that mainly hones in on the relationship between Marc Ellerby and his Swedish girlfriend, Anna. It also displays everyday life at its most exciting and its most tedious, captures the soul-destroying pain and intense euphoria that pursuing a creative career can evoke, and beautifully reveals the traits of a typical, modern day twenty-something; an excitable, guilt-enslaved idiot, too busy overthinking and underthinking and not thinking at all.

The whole thing is best described as irrelevant relevance, romanticizing the unimportant and downplaying the catastrophic. Turning a fleeting moment into a permanent one is strange, entertaining and thought-provoking, and it oddly forces the reader to consider their own life while reading the deeply personal thoughts of someone else.

To read this review in its entirety, please go to http://www.dystopic.co.uk/ellerbisms-graphic-novel-review/