A review by travelerswife4life
In the Shadow of Your Wings by J.P. Robinson


In the Shadow of Your Wings is the first book I have had the privilege of reading from J.P. Robinson, and I am not quite sure how I missed reading his books before now. He draws you in so quickly to the story and the plight of his characters you cannot help but be involved with their story. I loved the historical detail he wove into it, and I thought it added a realistic depth to the storyline. Plus, I thought his use of a group of characters was very well done and that you really got a sense of knowing all the characters in play.

The dark verses light battle that is playing out in this book (and the next which I am currently reading) is interesting and shows that the light is not always easy to see or find. But I am enjoying J. P. Robinson’s thought-provoking conversations and the suspense! A very action-packed series so far.

4 out of 5 stars.

*I volunteered tor read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.