A review by softstarrynights
Dracula: Son of the Dragon by Mark Sable


Dracula: Son of the Dragon collects the original digital Comixology series that recounts the life of Vlad Tepes, referred to as Vlad Dracula, and often considered an inspiration for the character of Dracula. The book tries to give us a historically faithful retelling of his early life, as much as is possible with the inclusion of magic and vampires. Unfortunately, this is to the detriment of the fun that can be had with this story. The narrative finds itself stuck between fantasy and historical so that it never commits to either, and I just found it quite dull. It is a very dialogue-heavy story meaning that you have lots of speech bubbles to read, which is fine. The art shows us that the artists are very skilled through the amount of detail he puts into each drawing. However when you couple these two elements together it makes the pages feel too full. Your eye just doesn't know where to go, and so as a comic book, there is a lack of flow to the story. This made it somewhat confusing to read and I did have to push myself through to the end, and ending which did not feel very complete. I can't see a sequel, but it very much feels as though there will be one because of the way the narrative is framed. Despite my love for vampires and for Dracula, I did not enjoy reading this book but I did appreciate the care and thought that went into it as is illustrated by an apendicies.