A review by cursedherondale
The Angel's Game, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


More mysterious than its predecessor. Kept me up on most nights despite my hectic schedule at work.

David despite his flaws and irritating arrogance, I found him likable that I wished everything would end well for him. I was hopeful even if there were so much signs that this was gonna end in heartbreak.

I vividly remember myself screaming "what's the point? What's the point of everything?!" to the book. I was completely unhinged. Disapppointed, yes. With a huge respect for the author, that is.

Carlos Ruiz Zafón made me like David when he was the least interesting and likable person in the book. He pulled me into the mystery so subtly that I was unconsciously sinking myself into a trap the he weaves. Made me a spectator of ugly events that will follow me in my dreams. He introduced me to characters that will serve as David's moral compass (Señor Sempere), his anchor (Vidal & Cristina), his needed logic (Isabella) & even a kind face to this cruel world the book is set in (Sempere's son). Then there's the dark side of everything, (Corelli, Irene, & Damien) and the untold mystery he is about to step in. The pieces slowly comes together, and then at one point everything just falls over and I was not ready for it.

Mystery-wise, better than Shadow of the Wind for sure. But a happy-like ending like the latter? Not really. Either way, both books are amazingly good, they're worth the time!