A review by the_evergrowing_library
The Eternal Champion by Michael Moorcock


1970’s science fantasy, it’s a wonderful thing. Authors didn’t weigh themselves down with masses of world building and it felt like you learned along with them. This also made them less of a daunting word count for when you just wanted a trip to another world.

I found the story flowed well and while it does have a slightly clunky start, it still had decent pacing throughout. The character of Erekosë does fall into the role a little too easily and it would have been good to get a little more from the acclimatisation.
Once the story gets going though it’s a wonderful journey and Erekosë/John really starts to think for himself after the tides of war are upon him. This is really when the story opens up and takes shape truly and it starts to add the layers needed for a wonderful read.
I got through this fast and no, it’s not a masterpiece, but for its time it’s great and I could fully imagine someone paging through this in 1970 and just being blown away.