A review by ashleyreadstoomuch
Touch Is Really Strange by Steve Haines


**Disclaimer: I received a free early access copy of Touch is Really Strange by Steve Haines through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.  Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this opportunity.

Touch is Really Strange by Steve Haines is an informative graphic novel about the sense of touch.  It's an interesting read.  It was published on April 21st, 2021.  I rated it three stars on Goodreads.

Here's the summary from Goodreads:

Why can't we tickle ourselves? How can slow touch convey more powerful emotions than fast touch? How does touch shape our perception of the world? The latest addition to the Really Strange Series , this science-based graphic comic addresses these questions and more, revealing the complexity of touch and exploring its power and limits. Used positively, touch can change pain and trauma, communicate compassion and love and generate social bonding. Get it wrong and it can be abusive and terrifying.
Everyone's initial experience of life and existence is tactile and spatial at its core. Before we have language, our concepts are formed as we meet a world full of edges and textures. Touch Is Really Strange celebrates the power of inward touch (interoception) and looks at how we can use skillful contact to promote feelings of joy, connection and vitality inside another. Touch helps us feel real and connected, and is fundamental to the development of consciousness and to perception. Steve Haines' new book teaches us how to safely touch people, not parts of people.

The basic premise of this was really interesting.  I liked how it presented the information in an easy to read format and how it was easy to understand what the author was trying to convey.  It was really informative.  I liked how it talked about how important touch is.

The art style was kind of whimsical, but it was really interesting.  It worked well with the information being presented.  The colour palette was really nice as well.  It was quite interesting.

I will admit that I don't have a lot to say about the graphic novel.  It wasn't super long but it was well done.  It's also not my typical reading topic.  However, it's worth checking out if you're interested in learning more about touch and how important and weird it is.