A review by asma_aj
Fallen by Lauren Kate


After a mysterious incident ends with the death of a classmate, Lucinda Price is sentenced to attend school at Sword & Cross, a reform school. Away from her family and only best friend, Luce has to adapt to her new, and rather bleak environment. But then she meets Daniel, mysterious, attractive, and elusive to Luce's advances. Luce is sure she's met Daniel before, but isn't sure how or where. She is sure, however, that he has a secret that concerns her, and she'll do anything to find out what it is.

When I started reading this book, I wasn't sure what to expect. From the first few pages, I thought that it would make a decent read, because the writing was decent, and the initial description of the school was impressive. But then, the romance was introduced, and that was when everything went down hill. Luce's forever and endless tag of war between 2 guys was excruciating to get through. Kate has so many chances to fill the pages with the mystery surrounding the characters, but no. I had to read how Luce can't choose between 2 guys through senseless debating on her part. I'm sorry, but if someone I find attractive flips me off on the first day, I'd return the favor and hate his very existence.

Needless to say, Luce's behavior and choices did nothing to make me sympathize and like her. It's not that the characters have to be realistic, but I really can't see any human being act that way. Kate seem's to take advantage of Luce's passivity to decide what happens to her next, I just couldn't connect. The other characters were actually fun to read about, that is whenever they actually appeared (they mysteriously appear and disappear for no reason as well, and they were especially absent during the "romance" part"). All this sort of diminished the presence of the other characters, which was so sad, because I really liked them!

Even though the story sort of went back on track in the last 100 pages, I STILL don't know what's going on! This book could have been so good if only it actually had some substance of a story. Why create a main character and have them sit out of several important events? I just.. I don't get it.