A review by wannabekingpin
Failure Mode by Craig Alanson


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About the Book: Elder Ones, seemingly the first or among the first races of the Universe, have ascended into a different kind of existence, abandoning their bodies. But not before they put together technology that was meant to keep this corner of Space – clean of life. This way they planned to protect their power source and the barrier built against someone or something that scared even them. Said plan, of course, didn’t wholly work, as is proven by Joe Bishop and his Merry Band of Pirates, entire humanity, and many other races, and species, who got into quarrels with them over the past several books. But, as Skippy thought, for as long as Elders aren’t aware of it all, it’s as good as perfect. And then he had to kill that other damned Elder AI, who sent out a distress call, one that can only be sent by their kind. Worse still, Elders acknowledged the call. Now, Skippy can’t see any scenario in which Elders would just go back to sleep and ignore everything, instead of, you know, waking up and committing some genocide to tidy up the mess, fixing their rogue AI on their way out so, his, and Universe’s best hope are us, the monkeys. Joe Bishop at the helm, with such insane and impossible plans that, hehe, no one’s going to like them…

My Opinion: It’s hard to resist the greed when tales of your favorite characters are so very well finalized, because they might just be the last ones. Turned pages through high-strung action on the edge of my seat, the fights, the escapes, the impossible, the momentary lapses of judgement, and perfect ideas from people in the book, rather than universal luck by author’s divinity. Every character, even the side-side had their own firm personality, characteristics that made them – them. Basically, quality is so superb that 15 books later I wish there were more in the future. Because while I couldn’t ask for more, got my open ending to daydream about, got a glimpse into things that were forbidden through the previous books, and so on, I’d still have more, happily.