A review by davidallen
Shoot Your Novel: Cinematic Techniques to Supercharge Your Writing by C.S. Lakin


Wow. Still taking notes on this one.

Ever wonder how some novelists get book after book turned into movies?

Me too. Ever since my own personal committment to having books turned into film, I've searched for ways to make it easier. Turns out, one of the ways I can make it easy for producers and screenwriters is to make a story so vivid, that I unconsciously give people a movie-like experience.

C.S. Lakin shows how different 'shots' are used in fiction novels to create the exact visual experience of a well-made film. These tools not only are a treat for the reader, when done right, they also make book more publishable, sellable, spreadable, and shoot-able.

I was looking for techniques that could improve each story I write by a huge margin. This is one of them for sure.