A review by scoutmomskf
Dead Giveaway by Nichole Severn


Terrific book that kept me hooked from start to finish. The action and suspense were intense, and the rekindling relationship was full of pitfalls from their past.

Genevieve is the DA for another town. Fifteen years earlier, she left her fiancé, Easton, at the altar, moved three hours away and started a new life. After finding a dead body in her home and discovering that the serial killer she thought she had put away was only a copycat, Genevieve knows she needs help. She returns to Battle Mountain and the only man she trusts to keep her safe - Easton.

After the disaster of his failed wedding, Easton joined the military to escape the memories and the heartbreak. He returned to Battle Mountain a year ago after losing his team left him with flashbacks and PTSD. Locking himself away in his cabin and avoiding everyone, he began reconnecting a few months ago, after his father's death and helping his brother catch a serial killer ([b:Grave Danger|59784242|Grave Danger (Defenders of Battle Mountain, #1)|Nichole Severn|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1639102436l/59784242._SY75_.jpg|94164840]). The last thing he expects is to find Genevieve on his doorstep asking for help.

Though their first encounter doesn't go well, Easton can't deny his need to protect Genevieve. As they work together to identify and stop The Contractor, it becomes evident that their feelings for each other are as strong as ever. But can they overcome the hurts and insecurities of the past to find a new life together? I ached for Easton, who is wrapped up in survivor's guilt, grief for his father, and unresolved feelings about Genevieve's desertion. He hasn't been able to open up about his pain with any of his family, so it has festered inside him. Somehow, he can share those memories and the pain with Genevieve. I liked how she acknowledged his feelings, then showed him that the events weren't his fault, setting him on the road to healing.

Genevieve still feels guilty about the way she left Easton, admitting that she took the coward's way out. Her need to know herself outside of her relationships drove her away, and she worked hard to establish that identity and likes the life she has now. But seeing Easton again stirs up the old feelings and causes her to worry about losing herself again.

I loved watching Easton and Genevieve grow closer as they worked together. But neither one appeared to have learned from their past mistakes. Though Easton realizes he still loves Genevieve, his way of showing it brings back Genevieve's fears and insecurities. I ached for Easton but wanted to shake him for slipping back into old habits. I hurt for Genevieve, too, because she loves him but is afraid to trust herself. I liked how she stood up for herself and her needs. It takes nearly losing each other permanently to be ready to put the past behind them.

The suspense of this story had me glued to the pages from start to finish. The first pages set the scene of a ticked-off serial killer because someone else has been convicted of his crimes. He takes his anger to the DA responsible in a very personal and grisly manner, making it clear that he expects her to do a better job by giving her a "second chance." Genevieve's fear is palpable, as is her dismay at the mistake and her determination to get it right. It doesn't help that the local police chief indicates that he believes she is the guilty party. When Genevieve and Easton begin working together to unmask the killer, they return to the beginning. However, no matter what they discover, the killer always seems to be one step ahead of them.

The tension ramps up as the information Easton and Genevieve unearth draw them closer to a shocking revelation. Just when they think they have solved it, an unexpected twist puts Genevieve in mortal danger. I was shocked by the revelations I didn't see coming, and I put an unusual spin on the usual serial killer scenario. Genevieve impressed me with her fortitude and determination, making the final confrontation one of the best I've ever read.

There are two epilogues. A mini one at the end of the last chapter, updating Genevieve and Easton's lives three months later, and the main epilogue is the lead-in to the next book.