A review by booktimistic
The Best Man Plan by Jaci Burton


When I read the blurb for The Best Man Plan by Jaci Burton it sounded exactly like the book I'd enjoy. FiancĂ© breaks up a few days before wedding, heartbroken and angry heroine decides to have a whirlwind rebound romance with the guy supposed to be best man at her wedding - oh yes, that's a fun premise! I love a good romance and am not even bothered by cliches and those typical tropes used in a lot of romantic fiction, as long as it is well executed. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for The Best Man Plan. 

The writing felt disjointed with repetitive dialogues and a choppy pacing. The chemistry was seriously lacking between the two main characters, Erin and Jason. Frankly, nor did I buy the romance between these two, nor was I satisfied by how Owen's (the ex-fiancĂ©) breakup and the reason behind it was handled, particularly the aftermath and Erin's behavior after she found out about it. 

And finally, I know I read an uncorrected proof, and damn I hope this gets fixed in the final copy, but damn was I irritated by the damn number of times the word "damn" was used in the first half of this book! I don't DNF but this itself would have been reason enough to stop reading before the book even reached the halfway mark.

Sadly, will not recommend nor would be continuing with the series.

**An e-ARC provided by Berkley via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own**