A review by booksandladders
Saintsville by Brittani Louise Taylor


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Content Warning: violence, possession, human experiments, thunder and lightning mentions, drugging

There was a story here, the book just didn't tell it. What probably should have been at minimum a duology, Saintsville started off strong but just let me down along the way. A lot of information dumping, no real plot that couldn't be summed up in a paragraph (and it typically was!), and the alternating POVs that added nothing to the story itself since both sisters were basically the same.

I thought from the synopsis that this would be werewolves, but it wasn't. The book moved way too fast from introducing the characters and the setting of Saintsville to just ... not being there anymore. The romance, the training, the EVERYTHING was so rushed that I didn't have time to process anything before we moved onto something new.

None of the characters had any depth to them and each of the boys could have been carbon copies for all I know because they had such dumb "personality traits" to distinguish them.

Do not recommend at all.

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