A review by kappareads
Remembrance by Rita Woods


*ARC received from BookishFirst

Let's address the elephant in the room first: I don't normally read adult historical fiction. So I'm not really in my comfort zone with this book. I think I had too high expectations in regards to the type of conflict that would be in this book.

That said, I definitely enjoyed the beginning. It introduced the idea of the three time periods and perspectives very well. It was interesting reading the separate pieces and trying to figure out why they were put together and how they connected. However, this concept was sort of thrown out the window when two of the perspectives combined so we were just flipping between two time periods.

Gaelle, in the present day, is the most under-utilized in my opinion. Her chapters were very short, rarely showed up, and her part only made a little sense by the end.

Margot was maybe my favorite perspective, but by the end I had to ask myself "What was her purpose?" She was more of an observer to everything. She didn't have a clear connection to Gaelle or Abigail and for at least half the book, I felt it was hinting to her greater purpose, but she doesn't end the book much different.

I enjoyed Abigail's chapters in the first third, but then the last two thirds lost their spark for me. I felt we skipped all the interesting parts and the majority of the book had her as an older woman who never trained her protege, but still expected said protege to be good with their powers.

The plot felt aimless. There were small goals and conflicts, but I never understood the end goal, and even by the end I was kind of disappointed. Maybe this just wasn't the book for me, but I just expected and wanted more from this book.