A review by alisonb
The Black Lily by Juliette Cross


In a vampire ruled kingdom where peasants are being found mysteriously murdered, a movement is born and led by a young woman called the Black Lily.

Arabella is a young woman of the peasant class who has witnessed atrocities by vampires. Her need to fight against the “monsters” that treat humans like disposable chattel made her an icon for the movement against the vampire rulers of her kingdom. Arabella is the one they call the Black Lily.

Marius is a vampire prince living in his castle with his harem of blood concubines, oblivious to life outside his lofty domain. When Arabella attempts to assassinate Marius at a ball, his attention is engaged and his heart is not far behind.

I would categorize this book as new adult verging on young adult. The characters felt very young and I had a hard time connecting with them. I read a lot of young adult about a decade ago and this book took me back there with the concept of a heroine who is leading a rebellion, or fighting against an evil opposing force, and the dark hero who falls for her instantly. It was okay, but it didn't feel like a fresh idea and the world building was minimal.

This story was a quick and entertaining read. Will I read the next in the series? Maybe. But I do look forward to tackling Cross’s Stay a Spell series. And I highly recommend listening to Juliette and Jessen on their podcast: Smart Women Read Romance.