A review by riversnowdrop
We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast by Jonathan Safran Foer


“…it is a defeatist myth that individual decisions have no power at all.”

You do not have to read this book. You do have to reduce the amount of animal products in your diet. You do not get to tell me it is a privilege to do this, when you are privileged and still do not do this. 

I felt a lot of anger throughout my experience of reading this: anger towards people in my life, and towards people who are vocal online about the climate crisis but who do not advocate for switching to a plant-based diet (and, of course, at myself). To paraphrase Foer, knowing and believing what we have to do and not doing it, is basically worse than not believing we have to do anything at all. Your despair is apathy in disguise and apathy is inaction. Once again, it is hope that motivates human’s survival. So do something hopeful, please.