A review by wealhtheow
Bloodstone by Nancy Holzner


Monsters are real, and the whole world knows. That doesn't mean monsters have equal civil rights, however. A series of gruesome murders put Vicky and the other paranormals of Boston under an enforced curfew, which is bad news, since Vicky is the only one who might be able to catch the killer.

There's some development of the relationship between Vicky and her family--her sister gave up her shapeshifting powers in hope of leading a normal life, and is terrified that her daughter may develop the powers. Mab's origins are also revealed. But really, this book didn't have much urgency to it. Vicky continues to win fights using Mab's powers or random good luck. She's still completely out-matched by Pryce and the Morfan. And the fight scenes are actually getting less well written. I might continue with this series, because I like Vicky as a character, but I hope this Pryce storyline gets resolved soon.