A review by twlghthoax
The Shining by Stephen King


↠4.5 stars
the overlook hotel, tucked away high in the mountains, seems an ideal place for holiday. throughout the season it’s filled with laughter and guests coming in and out. yet, like all good hotels, this one also has its ghosts. they feed on human folly and weakness to finally create one great whole, and they will not stand for any acts of disobedience. what is it then they still need?

very much enjoyed the shining. i was on the edge of my seat almost the whole time, trying to guess what’s going to happen next but failing miserably. little danny has got my heart – i’m in awe of his bravery and quick wit. i wouldn’t withstand half of what he has.

in the same way, i hate jack torrence and his persistence that it’s something else that makes him take various actions; he was not as passive as he would have liked to believe. there is, though, a moment where one can see humanity outshine whatever has become of him, and for this one quick second you mourn him as you would one of your most beloved characters.

although it is important to highlight that the book deals with topics of domestic abuse and addiction, and that is probably what king wanted to emphasise the most, i wish he had written more spirit/past/hotel history encounters. i simply wanted to know more about the place!

i applaud king once again for creating such a well-developed and eerie setting that becomes a vital character of its own. it is probably this craftsmanship that makes me go back to his novels all the time. hats off!

ps. beware of room 217. or perhaps the entire hotel while you’re at it.