A review by thegoodship88
The Hollow Kingdom by Clare B. Dunkle


I chose this book because among the books listed under "readers also enjoyed" were many books that I had loved! I expected great things from this book and I was not disappointed! The story is enthralling! After having a run of reading good, but not GREAT books, this story was a delight! It was captivating in the beginning in that sort of "I'm not sure why I'm so into this...but I love it," way and developed into "I'm really enjoying these characters and their interactions, etc." into an amazing adventure that completely blindsided me! The heroine, Kate, is majorly kick-ass, and all the other characters have wonderful depth, and you come to adore most all of them (the exception being, of course! those you are not meant to adore)! I also particularly loved the descriptions. To be honest, I'm not much for descriptions in books. I sort of tend to glaze over them and just make up my own world, but these descriptions really grabbed me and created a breath-takingly beautiful and magic world for me to delve into--and all the little goblin friends had wonderful descriptions as well! The descriptions were not overdone, but gave you a clear and (as said before) wonderfully magical mine picture. To me, that is impressive world building. I was SO sad when this book was over--I wanted to so much more! I'm extremely excited to read the sequels! I highly recommend this book!!