A review by rhodered
Dakiti by E.J. Fisch


DNF on page 152. By this point, approx 44% through book, I should be feeling some connection to something. The world, one of the characters, the plot, the language used to describe them... Something should be hooking me in. But nothing is.

It's competently written. I do like how the author has given her different humanoid races different shapes, sizes and colors of hair. We've gotten some background that should make for a tension-filled plot.

I dunno. In some cases there's some TSTL going on, for example: why would you think your house using government security is safe when government buildings are not safe? And, how could a member of the Royalty's young step daughter run away from home and not be found for 13+ years? Lastly, does no one have fingerprints on this planet, because they keep handing around evidence without bagging it!

Otherwise, I also can't get all snugly in one main character's head because the author keeps changing perspective. I'm not even sure who the main character really is. Usually for story telling purposes, there's one big main one and then others who can be secondary. In this case, everyone feels secondary.

Lastly the plot and people remind me of TV shows. It feels written by an author who is heavily influenced by the visuals, team acting, and the common plot points in TV shows. I'm not saying this copies any particular show, but rather it just has a TV feel to it. This bothers me because so many TV plots are common tropes now. We know how the mismatched partners will ultimately get along with each other. We know instinctively much of the action that will occur next.

And that bores me. I avoid watching tv because I get bored by it, don't need that in my books.