A review by diana_eveline
The Four Swans by Winston Graham


“Love is not a possession to hoard. You give it away. It's a blessing and a balm."

I really did not enjoy this part and I will do my best to explain why. To start off with the quote I chose to list above my review, it is (in its essense) true. It is wrong to hoard love and you should be generous with your consideration. However, that doesn't warrant someone cheating... That brings me to Hugh and Demelza. I struggled about as much with her decisions as she did after the whole ordeal. She has already had her vengeance on Ross' adventure with Elizabeth, when she made a move on Captain McNeill. I find her decision to let this thing with Hugh go on (for far too long) a terrible one. She does suffer it herself as well so there is some justice in that.

And then there is the fact that Rowella is fifteen... FIFTEEN!! I was cringing when I read the whole ordeal between her and Ozzie. It was bad in the series but this was so much worse. I was disgusted and almost shut the book entirely. What kept me going? Sam and Emma were surprisingly less boring than in the series and Dwight and Caroline provided just enough interesting dialogue to keep me going. Caroline is such a wonderful character, I would much rather have her be the main character.

The book was also incredibly slow, unnecessarily so at times. I don't mind exposition but I do strongly dislike pointless exposition. I will keep going, I think, but I am taking a break. At least Ross has mellowed out from his downright disgusting behaviour in the last book.