A review by theangrylawngnome
Deadly Edge by Richard Stark


The Parker series by Donald Westlake writing as Richard Stark has always been my guiltiest of guilty pleasures. Yet this one was not only one I'd somehow missed, it was curiously flat somehow. Damn near a disappointment. By definition every Parker book is going to be as formulaic as Noh Theater, of course, yet I typically am so pulled along by the action I no more notice the formula than I do that I'm riding on rails when on a roller coaster. But this time I did.

Curiuosly [b:Slayground|447175|Slayground (Parker, #14)|Richard Stark|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1174855051s/447175.jpg|3854] may have been the first Parker novel I read, and it remains a favorite. I say "curiously" since in the excellent introduction from Charles Ardai, Ardai explains that this book,Slayground and Plunder Squad (which I've also not read) form a triad of similar themed books. Go figure.